
目录 >简介

年鉴中文名: 中国统计年鉴


年鉴年份: 2005

责任说明: 郑京平 总编

主编单位: 中华人民共和国国家统计局

出版日期: 2005.09

页数: 915

人民币定价(元): 298.00

内容简介: 一、《中国统计年鉴—2005》系统收录了全国和各省、自治区、直辖市2004年经济、社会各方面的统计数据,以及历史重要年份和近二十年的全国主要统计数据,是一部全面反映中华人民共和国经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 二、本年鉴正文内容分为25个篇章,即:1.行政区划和自然资源;2.综合;3.国民经济核算;4.人口;5.就业人员和职工工资;6.固定资产投资;7.能源;8.财政;9.价格指数;10.人 ...

简约版 快照版


一、《中国统计年鉴—2005》系统收录了全国和各省、自治区、直辖市2004年经济、社会各方面的统计数据,以及历史重要年份和近二十年的全国主要统计数据,是一部全面反映中华人民共和国经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 二、本年鉴正文内容分为25个篇章,即:1.行政区划和自然资源;2.综合;3.国民经济核算;4.人口;5.就业人员和职工工资;6.固定资产投资;7.能源;8.财政;9.价格指数;10.人民生活;11.城市概况;12.环境保护;13.农业;14.工业;15.建筑业;16.运输和邮电;17.国内贸易;18.对外经济贸易;19.旅游;20.金融业;21.教育和科技;22.文化、体育和卫生;23.其他社会活动;24.香港特别行政区主要社会经济指标;25.澳门特别行政区主要社会经济指标。同时附录两个篇章:台湾省主要社会经济指标和我国经济、社会统计指标同世界主要国家和地区比较。为方便读者使用,各篇章前没有《简要说明》,对本篇章的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围、统计方法以及历史变动情况予以简要概述,篇末附有《主要统计指标解释》。 三、本年鉴所涉及的全国性统计数据,除行政区划、国土面积和森林资源外,均未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省数据。 四、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区的统计是构成国家统计总体的一部分。但根据中华人民共和国“香港特别行政区基本法”和“澳门特别行政区基本法”的有关原则,香港、澳门与内地是相对独立的统计区域,根据各自不同的统计制度和法律规定,独立进行统计工作。本年鉴中香港和澳门特别行政区统计资料分别由香港特别行政区政府统计处、澳门特别行政区政府统计暨普查局提供,国家统计局进行编辑。 五、与2004年版《中国统计年鉴》相比较,本年鉴在统计指标上作了如下修订:1.在人口篇,增加了60岁及以上老年人口生活能否自理和主要生活来源情况的资料。2.在固定资产投资篇,增加了近年和分地区城镇能源工业投资资料。3.在对外经济贸易篇,增加了按主要国别分的中国对外直接投资资料。4.在其他社会活动篇,增加了在押服刑人员基本情况资料。此外,根据固定资产投资和教育统计在制度方法上的改革,对年鉴中的相关内容进行了较大幅度的调整。 六、由于第一次全国经济普查数据尚未正式发布,年鉴中有关国民核算、工业、建筑业、房地产投资以及批发零售贸易业的2004年数据,为统计快报数据。 七、本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位,均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 八、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。 九、本年鉴凡带有续表的资料,有关注解均列在最后一张续表的下方。 十、符号使用说明:年鉴各表中的“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;“*”或“①”表示本表下有注解。 Ⅰ.China Statistical Yearbook 2005 is an annual statistics publication, which covers very comprehensive data in 2004 and some selected data series in historically important years and the most recent twenty years at national level and local levels of province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the central government and therefore, reflects various aspects of China’s social and economic development. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following twenty-five chapters, 1. Division of Administrative Areas and Natural Resources; 2. General Survey; 3. National Accounts; 4. Population; 5. Employment and Wages; 6. Investment in Fixed Assets; 7. Energy; 8. Government Finance; 9. Price Indices; 10. People’s Livelihood; 11. General Survey of Cities; 12. Environment Protection; 13. Agriculture; 14. Industry; 15. Construction; 16. Transport, Post and Telecommunication Services; 17. Domestic Trade; 18. Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; 19. Tourism; 20. Financial Intermediation; 21. Education, Science and Technology; 22. Culture, Sports and Public Health; 23. Other Social Activities; 24. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR); 25. Main Social and Economic Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). Two chapters listed as the appendices are Main Social and Economic Indicators of Taiwan Province and A Comparison of Economic and Social Indicators among the People’s Republic of China and Other Countries/Areas. In brief introduction at the beginning of each chapter, main coverage of this chapter, data sources, statistical coverage, statistical methods and historical changes are concerned. In addition, Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each chapter. Ⅲ.The national data in this book do not include that of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province except for divisions of administrative areas,territory and forest resources. Ⅳ.Statistics of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region constitute an integral part of the national statistics of China. According to the principles set forth in the Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region, statistically Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland of China are three mutually independent regions, and follow their own and different statistical systems in carrying out independent statistical operation. Statistics on Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region as included in this yearbook are provided by the Department of Census and Statistics of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Department of Census and Statistics of the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region, and edited by National Bureau of Statistics. Ⅴ.Compared with the China Statistical Yearbook 2004, some statistical indicators are modified in the current yearbook, including the following: 1)Information on physical independence in daily life and major source of income for the elderly aged 60 and over is added in the chapter on population. 2)Data on investment in urban energy industries of recent years and by province are added in the chapter on investment in fixed assets. 3)Information on China’s overseas direct investment by countries is included in the chapter on foreign economic relations and trade. 4)Information on prisoners serving their sentences in prisons is included in the chapter on other social activities. In addition, changes are also made in statistics on the investment in fixed assets and on education statistics due to the reform of methodology concerning these two areas. Ⅵ.As the results of the first national economic census have not been formally released, the 2004 data as published in the yearbook on national accounts, industry, construction, investment in real estate development, wholesale and retail trades are preliminary statistics. Ⅶ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅷ.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅸ.If a table in the yearbook occupies more than one page, the footnotes pertaining to the table are placed at the end of the last page. Ⅹ.Notations used in the yearbook: “(blank space)” indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table, or data are unknown or are not available; “#” indicates a major breakdown of the total; and“*” or “①” indicates footnotes at the end of the table.